Amy ChmielSenior Administrative Assistant 2DownloadHi-Res PhotoAboutNewsGet In TouchAmy ChmielAboutCopy LinkTitlesSenior Administrative Assistant 2NewsCopy LinkNewsOctober 24, 2024Longtime Assistant to Ob/Gyn Chair RetiresRead moreabout Longtime Assistant to Ob/Gyn Chair RetiresGet In TouchCopy LinkSupported FacultyMadeleine Sparf, CPASenior Director, Finance & Administration OBGYN and UrologyEventsApr 20253Thursday4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyJeannette Ickovics, PhDOBGYN Grand Rounds: Threats to Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health: Ethical Considerations for Our TimePresented by Jeannette R. Ickovics, PhDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to CalendarApr 202510Thursday4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyBernard L. Harlow, PhDOBGYN Grand Rounds: Vulvodynia Prevalent, Debilitating, Poorly Understood. An Evolution of Research Exploring Co-morbidity and Biopsychosocial HypothesesPresented by Bernard L. Harlow, PhDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to CalendarApr 202517Thursday4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyJudith Simms-Cendan, MDOBGYN Grand Rounds: The Modern Management of Menstruation: Innovations, Challenges, and OpportunitiesPresented by Judith Simms-Cendan, MDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to Calendar
October 24, 2024Longtime Assistant to Ob/Gyn Chair RetiresRead moreabout Longtime Assistant to Ob/Gyn Chair Retires
4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyJeannette Ickovics, PhDOBGYN Grand Rounds: Threats to Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health: Ethical Considerations for Our TimePresented by Jeannette R. Ickovics, PhDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to Calendar
4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyBernard L. Harlow, PhDOBGYN Grand Rounds: Vulvodynia Prevalent, Debilitating, Poorly Understood. An Evolution of Research Exploring Co-morbidity and Biopsychosocial HypothesesPresented by Bernard L. Harlow, PhDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to Calendar
4:00 PM5:00 PMYale OnlyJudith Simms-Cendan, MDOBGYN Grand Rounds: The Modern Management of Menstruation: Innovations, Challenges, and OpportunitiesPresented by Judith Simms-Cendan, MDBrady Memorial Laboratory event to Calendar