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Leadership Change in Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology

After nine and a half years as Chair of the Yale School of Public Health’s Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Dr. Judith Lichtman, PhD, MPH, is stepping down effective June 30, 2024, Dean Megan L. Ranney announced Tuesday. Dr. Xiaomei Ma, PhD, will assume department leadership as interim chair for one year, with the possibility of renewal.

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  • Study offers insight on how hot weather impairs the immune system

    Researchers have found a link between hot weather and measures of the body's immune response, including levels of certain blood cells and indicators of inflammation. It's a step toward eventually finding treatments that could help protect people from dangerously high temperatures, which have been linked to increased rates of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. YSPH Professor Judith Lichtman comments on the findings.

    Source: American Heart Association
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  • Happy Spouse, Happy House

    A new study from researchers at the Yale School of Public Health indicates that among 1,593 adults who were treated for a heart attack, there was an independent association between severe marital stress and worse recovery through their first year after hospital discharge. This association was strong even after adjusting for patient demographics.

    Source: Yale Scientific
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  • YSPH alums keep plight of African students in Ukraine in spotlight

    Three recent Yale School of Public Health graduates created a film to shine a light on the plight of African college students who encountered racism when they fled Ukraine at the outbreak of the Russian war. Their documentary was accepted to be shown ahead of the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting in Atlanta in November.

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  • YSPH student finds purpose in public health and art

    Mary L. Peng, MPH '23 (Social & Behavioral Sciences), is an explorer by nature, a seeker of knowledge in as many areas as she can absorb. The COVID-19 pandemic sharpened her focus and led her to the Yale School of Public Health, where she has worked to incorporate art, technology, clinical neuroscience, and social and behavioral sciences to improve individual and public health.

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  • YSPH Students Explore Storytelling and Public Health

    YSPH lecturer Neal Baer, a physician and award-winning television showrunner, is teaching a course, “Soda Politics,” and using it to demonstrate to students how effective storytelling can be used to promote public health.

    Source: Yale News
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