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%rrc macro implements the methods developed in the following papers:

  1. Survival analysis with error-prone time-varying covariates: a risk set calibration approach” by Xiaomei Liao, David Zucker, Yi Li, and Donna Spiegelman. Biometrics, 2011 Mar;67(1):50-58.; PMCID: PMC2927810
  2. Survival analysis with functions of mis-measured covariate histories: the case of chronic air pollution exposure in relation to mortality in the Nurses’ Health Study” by Xiaomei Liao, Molin Wang, Jaime E. Hart, Francine Laden and Donna Spiegelman. (July 2015). Harvard University Biostatistics Working Paper Series.Working Paper 198.

Linux version: RRC-1.5-i386

User Manual: The_SAS_25rrc_Macro_24May2018_HSPH

If you wish to adjust for bias due to measurement error in PM2.5 in an air pollution epidemiology study, please see our Validation Study of Particulate Matter Ambient (PM2.5) here, where you can apply for access to our 9 City PM2.5 exposure validation study.