Explaining the relationship between race/ethnicity and pharmacy purchased syringes among injection drug users in New York City.
Fuller C, Galea S, Blaney S, Ompad D, Deren S, Des Jarlais D, Vlahov D. Explaining the relationship between race/ethnicity and pharmacy purchased syringes among injection drug users in New York City. Ethnicity & Disease 2004, 14: 589-96. PMID: 15724781.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Impact of Increased Syringe Access: Preliminary Findings on Injection Drug User Syringe Source, Disposal, and Pharmacy Sales in Harlem, New York
Fuller C, Ahern J, Vadnai L, Coffin P, Galea S, Factor S, Vlahov D. Impact of Increased Syringe Access: Preliminary Findings on Injection Drug User Syringe Source, Disposal, and Pharmacy Sales in Harlem, New York. Journal Of The American Pharmacists Association 2002, 42: s77-s82. PMID: 12489621, DOI: 10.1331/1086-5802.42.0.s77.fuller.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDoes Bleach Disinfection of Syringes Protect Against Hepatitis C Infection Among Young Adult Injection Drug Users?
Kapadia F, Vlahov D, Jarlais D, Strathdee S, Ouellet L, Kerndt P, E E, Williams I, Garfein R. Does Bleach Disinfection of Syringes Protect Against Hepatitis C Infection Among Young Adult Injection Drug Users? Epidemiology 2002, 13: 738-741. PMID: 12410020, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200211000-00023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersAnti-HCV seroconversionHepatitis C virusDrug usersOdds ratioBleach useYoung adult injection drug usersSeronegative injection drug usersMajor public health problemAdult injection drug usersBleach disinfectionHepatitis C infectionProspective cohort studyCase-control studyConditional logistic regressionPublic health problemCessation of injectionsC infectionHCV infectionCohort studyC virusProtective effectHealth problemsSeroconversionLogistic regression
Needle-exchange participation, effectiveness, and policy: Syringe relay, gender, and the paradox of public health
Valente T, Foreman R, Junge B, Vlahov D. Needle-exchange participation, effectiveness, and policy: Syringe relay, gender, and the paradox of public health. Journal Of Urban Health 2001, 78: 340-349. PMID: 11419584, PMCID: PMC3456352, DOI: 10.1093/jurban/78.2.340.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBaltimoreCommerceCommunity Health PlanningCounselingFemaleHealth BehaviorHealth EducationHIV InfectionsHumansInterpersonal RelationsMaleMiddle AgedNeedle-Exchange ProgramsOrganizational ObjectivesProgram EvaluationSocial SupportSubstance Abuse, IntravenousSurveys and QuestionnairesSyringesUrban HealthConceptsNeedle exchange programsNEP useIntravenous drug usersBaltimore Needle Exchange ProgramPublic health goalsHIV seroconversionHIV protectionDrug usersHealth goalsVirus transmission rateHigh usersDuration of contactPublic healthEducation effortsCirculation timeMost studiesRelay activityExclusive useParticipantsSeroconversionHIVVisitsWomenMultiple Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Vending Machines, Needle Exchange Programs and Legal Pharmacy Sales in Marseille, France
Moatti J, Vlahov D, Feroni I, Perrin V, Obadia Y. Multiple Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Vending Machines, Needle Exchange Programs and Legal Pharmacy Sales in Marseille, France. European Addiction Research 2001, 7: 40-45. PMID: 11316925, DOI: 10.1159/000050713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersNeedle exchange programsSterile syringesNEP usersNew syringesPharmacy salesCharacteristics of IDUsDrug usersPrevention of HIVDrug use characteristicsHIV prevention programsSelf-administered questionnaireMethadone programsHeroin injectorsUseful adjunctPrevention programsInfectious diseasesProgram utilizationHIVSyringesPharmacyExchange programsQuestionnaireBuprenorphineDisease
New York City pharmacists' attitudes toward sale of needles/syringes to injection drug users before implementation of law expanding syringe access
Coffin P, Linas B, Factor S, Vlahov D. New York City pharmacists' attitudes toward sale of needles/syringes to injection drug users before implementation of law expanding syringe access. Journal Of Urban Health 2000, 77: 781-793. PMID: 11194317, PMCID: PMC3456774, DOI: 10.1007/bf02344038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersSyringe salesDrug usersPharmacists' attitudesHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) preventionBlood-borne pathogen transmissionSyringe disposalViral hepatitis preventionHalf of pharmacistsNeedles/syringesSharps disposal containersHepatitis preventionSyringe exchangeSyringe accessDrug useNonprescription salesPharmacistsStaff pharmacistsVirus preventionTelephone surveyBaseline dataSyringesPreventionPrescriptionNew York CityNew York State pharmacists' attitudes toward needle and syringe sales to injection drug users before implementation of syringe deregulation
Linas B, Coffin P, Backes G, Vlahov D. New York State pharmacists' attitudes toward needle and syringe sales to injection drug users before implementation of syringe deregulation. Journal Of Urban Health 2000, 77: 768-780. PMID: 11194316, PMCID: PMC3456767, DOI: 10.1007/bf02344037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersHuman immunodeficiency virusSyringe salesDrug usersImportant preventive health measurePreventive health measuresSelf-administered questionnaireImmunodeficiency virusHealth measuresSexual partnersPharmacists' attitudesNew York StatePharmacistsPreliminary dataState surveysSyringesNew York CitySimilar levelsAvailability programsLikely practiceNeedleHepatitisBaseline informationYork CitySyringe exchange not associated with social network formation: results from Baltimore
Junge B, Valente T, Latkin C, Riley E, Vlahov D. Syringe exchange not associated with social network formation: results from Baltimore. AIDS 2000, 14: 423-426. PMID: 10770545, DOI: 10.1097/00002030-200003100-00016.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Syringe vending machines for injection drug users: an experiment in Marseille, France.
Obadia Y, Feroni I, Perrin V, Vlahov D, Moatti J. Syringe vending machines for injection drug users: an experiment in Marseille, France. American Journal Of Public Health 1999, 89: 1852-4. PMID: 10589315, PMCID: PMC1509009, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.89.12.1852.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPharmacy Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Attitudes of Participants in a Syringe Exchange Program
Junge B, Vlahov D, Riley E, Huettner S, Brown M, Beilenson P. Pharmacy Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Attitudes of Participants in a Syringe Exchange Program. Journal Of The American Pharmacists Association 1999, 39: 17-22. PMID: 9990182, DOI: 10.1016/s1086-5802(16)30410-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Satellite exchange in the Baltimore Needle Exchange Program.
Valente T, Foreman R, Junge B, Vlahov D. Satellite exchange in the Baltimore Needle Exchange Program. Public Health Reports 1998, 113 Suppl 1: 90-6. PMID: 9722814, PMCID: PMC1307731.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrevention messagesBaltimore Needle Exchange ProgramHIV prevention messagesNeedle exchange programsNeedle exchange program participantsDrug-using networksDrug injectorsNumber of syringesDrug usersDrug useRisk behaviorsLogistic regressionOne-way ANOVAIDUsPrevention materialsProgram effectivenessProgram participantsActivities of SSParticipantsPotential bridgeExchange programsPharmacists' Attitudes About Pharmacy Sale of Needles/Syringes and Needle Exchange Programs in a City Without Needle/Syringe Prescription Laws
Gleghorn A, Gee G, Vlahov D. Pharmacists' Attitudes About Pharmacy Sale of Needles/Syringes and Needle Exchange Programs in a City Without Needle/Syringe Prescription Laws. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s89-s93. PMID: 9663630, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeedle exchange programsMost pharmacistsNeedle exchangeInjection drug useNeedles/syringesPharmacy salesInjection drug usersHIV prevention programsDiabetic identificationHIV preventionMedian numberDrug usersDrug users' accessDrug useDrug paraphernaliaPrevention programsPharmacist practicePharmacistsPharmacists' attitudesSyringe salesExchange programsTelephone surveyPrescriptionPrescription lawsMonthsUse of Sterile Syringes and Aseptic Drug Preparation Are Important Components of HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users
Jones T, Vlahov D. Use of Sterile Syringes and Aseptic Drug Preparation Are Important Components of HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s1-s5. PMID: 9663616, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00002.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersOperation Red Box: A Pilot Project of Needle and Syringe Drop Boxes for Injection Drug Users in East Baltimore
Riley E, Beilenson P, Vlahov D, Smith L, Koenig M, Jones T, Doherty M. Operation Red Box: A Pilot Project of Needle and Syringe Drop Boxes for Injection Drug Users in East Baltimore. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s120-s125. PMID: 9663634, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCommunity Support for Needle Exchange Programs and Pharmacy Sale of Syringes: A Household Survey in Baltimore, Maryland
Keyl P, Gruskin L, Casano K, Montag H, Junge B, Vlahov D. Community Support for Needle Exchange Programs and Pharmacy Sale of Syringes: A Household Survey in Baltimore, Maryland. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s82-s88. PMID: 9663629, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAttitude to HealthBaltimoreEducational StatusFamily CharacteristicsFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHealth SurveysHIV InfectionsHumansIncomeInterviews as TopicMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisNeedle-Exchange ProgramsPharmaciesRegression AnalysisSurveys and QuestionnairesSyringesConceptsNeedle exchange programsInjection drug useInjection drug usersDrug usersMultivariate logistic regressionContiguous census tractsHIV incidenceNeedle exchangeDrug useEligible respondentsLogistic regressionExchange programsPharmacy salesCensus populationRandom sampleCensus tractsHousehold interviewsCommunity supportCommunity attitudesBaltimoreHousehold surveyIncidenceRespondentsTractNeedleCommunity-Based Programs for Safe Disposal of Used Needles and Syringes
Macalino G, Springer K, Rahman Z, Vlahov D, Jones T. Community-Based Programs for Safe Disposal of Used Needles and Syringes. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s111-s119. PMID: 9663633, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersCommunity-based programsSharps containersPossession of syringesPuncture-resistant containersPublic health staffPublic health departmentsUsed needlesHealth staffHealth departmentsDiabetes educatorsDrug usersMedical literatureDiabetesSyringesCommunity sitesHospitalInsulinChain referralCost and Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes and Needles as an HIV Prevention Intervention in the United States
Holtgrave D, Pinkerton S, Jones T, Lurie P, Vlahov D. Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes and Needles as an HIV Prevention Intervention in the United States. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s133-s138. PMID: 9663636, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersHIV infectionHIV prevention interventionsSterile syringesPrevention interventionsIDUs' accessActive injection drug usersIllicit drug injectionPublic health decision makersSyringe exchange programsHealth decision makersHIV transmissionDrug injectionHIV preventionHypothetical cohortDrug usersMedical carePocket expenditureInfectionPharmacy salesProgram coverageLifetime costsHigh levelsSyringesUnited States
Detection of HIV-1 DNA in needle/syringes, paraphernalia, and washes from shooting galleries in Miami: a preliminary laboratory report.
Shah S, Shapshak P, Rivers J, Stewart R, Weatherby N, Xin K, Page J, Chitwood D, Mash D, Vlahov D, McCoy C. Detection of HIV-1 DNA in needle/syringes, paraphernalia, and washes from shooting galleries in Miami: a preliminary laboratory report. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1996, 11: 301-6. PMID: 8603266, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199603010-00010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeedles/syringesHIV-1 DNAInjection drug usersHIV-1 proteinsHIV-1Polymerase chain reactionClean needlesHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1Immunodeficiency virus type 1Act of injectionVirus type 1Injection paraphernaliaPreliminary laboratory reportDrug usersShooting galleriesType 1Western blotReduction of riskEnvelope geneChain reactionGene DNAAntibodiesSyringesLaboratory reportsModification of behavior
Deregulation of the Sale and Possession of Syringes for HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users
Vlahov D. Deregulation of the Sale and Possession of Syringes for HIV Prevention Among Injection Drug Users. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1995, 10: 71-72. PMID: 7648287, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199509000-00010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcquisition and Use of Needles and Syringes by Injecting Drug Users in Baltimore, Maryland
Gleghorn A, Jones T, Doherty M, Celentano D, Vlahov D. Acquisition and Use of Needles and Syringes by Injecting Drug Users in Baltimore, Maryland. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1995, 10: 97-103. PMID: 7648292, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199509000-00014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersNeedle exchange programsHIV transmissionDrug usersShooting galleriesHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectionActive injection drug usersMost injection drug usersImmunodeficiency virus infectionInjecting Drug UsersUse of needlesTwo-tenths percentPharmacist discretionDrug injectionFriends/relativesVirus infectionUsual sourcePharmacy purchasesStructured interview surveyFriends/neighborsInterview SurveyLongitudinal studyOne-thirdExchange programsDrugs