Sexual Risk Behavior Among Injection Drug Users Before Widespread Availability of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
Rusch M, Farzadegan H, Tarwater P, Safaeian M, Vlahov D, Strathdee S. Sexual Risk Behavior Among Injection Drug Users Before Widespread Availability of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS And Behavior 2005, 9: 289-299. PMID: 16133905, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-005-9003-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersCondom useAntiretroviral therapyHIV testingDrug usersEligible injection drug usersRisk behaviorsActive antiretroviral therapyInconsistent condom useSexual risk behaviorsIDU cohortHIV transmissionRetrospective analysisLower riskStudy exposureSexual riskLong-term studiesTherapySignificant changesCounselingRiskExposureLogistic modelWidespread availabilityCohortDrug use, misuse, and the urban environment
GALEA S, RUDENSTINE S, VLAHOV D. Drug use, misuse, and the urban environment. Drug And Alcohol Review 2005, 24: 127-136. PMID: 16076582, DOI: 10.1080/09595230500102509.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Neighborhood education inequality and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana
Galea S, Ahern J, Vlahov D. Neighborhood education inequality and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Annals Of Epidemiology 2004, 14: 623. DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2004.07.086.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance useNeighborhood educationSeparate multivariable regression modelsMultivariable regression modelsUse of cigarettesUse of substancesHigh prevalencePublic health researchHealth behaviorsDial phone surveyIndividual-level covariatesNew York City neighborhoodsRisk behaviorsAdult residentsMean educationGreater likelihoodPotential roleHealth researchPhone surveyPublic healthMarijuanaPrevalenceDrinkingRegression modelsNew York CityComparison of HIV infection risk behaviors among injection drug users from East and West Coast US cities
Garfein R, Monterroso E, Tong T, Vlahov D, Des Jarlais D, Selwyn P, Kerndt P, Word C, Fernando M, Ouellet L, Holmberg S. Comparison of HIV infection risk behaviors among injection drug users from East and West Coast US cities. Journal Of Urban Health 2004, 81: 260-267. PMID: 15136659, PMCID: PMC3456450, DOI: 10.1093/jurban/jth112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersRisk behaviorsHIV seroprevalenceHigh human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalenceDrug usersHIV infection risk behaviorsHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seroprevalenceInfection risk behaviorsPotential risk factorsHIV risk behaviorsHIV incidenceHIV statusRisk factorsVirus seroprevalenceSexual partnersPrevention effortsSeroprevalenceBaseline dataHIVFace interviewsInjectionNew York CityFurther effortsNew HavenParticipantsIncrease in Sexual Risk Behavior Associated with Immunologic Response to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users
Tun W, Gange S, Vlahov D, Strathdee S, Celentano D. Increase in Sexual Risk Behavior Associated with Immunologic Response to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV-Infected Injection Drug Users. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2004, 38: 1167-1174. PMID: 15095224, DOI: 10.1086/383033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersActive antiretroviral therapyHAART initiationCell countAntiretroviral therapyDrug usersSexual intercourseRisk reduction counselingHuman immunodeficiency virusLarge cohort studyDrug injection behaviorInjection of drugsUnprotected sexual intercourseSemiannual visitsReduction counselingCohort studyHIV infectionHIV serostatusImmunodeficiency virusImmunologic responseNeedle sharingBlood samplesSurvival analysisRisk behaviorsCD4
Sex-Specific Differences in Circumstances of Initiation into Injecting-Drug Use Among Young Adult Latinos in Harlem, New York City
Diaz T, Vlahov D, Edwards V, Conover S, Monterroso E. Sex-Specific Differences in Circumstances of Initiation into Injecting-Drug Use Among Young Adult Latinos in Harlem, New York City. AIDS And Behavior 2002, 6: 117-122. DOI: 10.1023/a:1015441030030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInjecting Drug UsersInjecting-drug useCircumstances of initiationSexual partnersDrug useFirst injection episodeInjecting Drug UseRecent risk behaviorsCohort studyHIV infectionYoung adult LatinosMedian numberSex-specific differencesUnprotected sexPrevention programsAdult LatinosRisk behaviorsNew York CityHIVMore womenWomenBaseline dataStandardized faceMenInjection episodesHighly active antiretroviral treatment does not increase sexual risk behaviour among French HIV infected injecting drug users
Bouhnik A, Moatti J, Vlahov D, Gallais H, Dellamonica P, Obadia Y. Highly active antiretroviral treatment does not increase sexual risk behaviour among French HIV infected injecting drug users. Journal Of Epidemiology & Community Health 2002, 56: 349. PMID: 11964431, PMCID: PMC1732133, DOI: 10.1136/jech.56.5.349.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual risk behaviorsAntiretroviral treatmentDrug usersRisk behaviorsPrescription of HAARTActive antiretroviral therapyProportion of patientsActive antiretroviral treatmentUnprotected sexual intercourseFrench HIVAntiretroviral therapyClinical improvementCohort studyTreatment-NaiveHIV transmissionAIDS careHAARTHIV riskHigh-risk activitiesHospital departmentsSexual riskHIVSexual intercourseMultivariate modelLongitudinal analysisSocial determinants and the health of drug users: socioeconomic status, homelessness, and incarceration.
Galea S, Vlahov D. Social determinants and the health of drug users: socioeconomic status, homelessness, and incarceration. Public Health Reports 2002, 117 Suppl 1: s135-45. PMID: 12435837, PMCID: PMC1913691.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug usersHealth consequencesSocioeconomic statusAdverse health consequencesPublic health interventionsIllicit drug useLow socioeconomic statusDrug use behaviorsDrug useHealth interventionsIndividual drug use behaviorRisk behaviorsSocial determinantsSocial factorsHealthStatusHigh levelsMedicationsFactors
Sexual and drug risk-related behaviours after initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy among injection drug users
Vlahov D, Safaien M, Lai S, Strathdee S, Johnson L, Sterling T, Celentano D. Sexual and drug risk-related behaviours after initiating highly active antiretroviral therapy among injection drug users. AIDS 2001, 15: 2311-2316. PMID: 11698705, DOI: 10.1097/00002030-200111230-00013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersHIV-seropositive injection drug usersActive antiretroviral therapyUntreated groupHigh-risk behaviorsAntiretroviral therapyConsecutive visitsDrug usersRisk behaviorsInitiation of HAARTCD4 cell countOngoing prospective studySemi-annual interviewsLinear growth curve analysesHAART useMedian ageMedication useProspective studyNeedle sharingHAARTCell countUnprotected sexRisk-related behaviorsCurve analysisStudy periodUse of Audio Computer-assisted Self-Interviews to Assess Tuberculosis-related Risk Behaviors
RILEY E, CHAISSON R, ROBNETT T, VERTEFEUILLE J, STRATHDEE S, VLAHOV D. Use of Audio Computer-assisted Self-Interviews to Assess Tuberculosis-related Risk Behaviors. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2001, 164: 82-85. PMID: 11435243, DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm.164.1.2101091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterviewer-assisted questionnaireComputer-assisted questionnaireHIV infectionRisk factorsOdds ratioHuman immunodeficiency virus risk factorsSelf-reported tuberculosisMultiple logistic regressionRisk behavior dataFinal multivariate modelSmoking equipmentNeedle exchange programsNeedle exchange program participantsHigh-risk behaviorsUnderwent interviewsHIV serostatusAlcohol intakeCigarette smokingDrug useHealth statusRisk behaviorsTuberculosisSmoking marijuanaLogistic regressionMultivariate modelDynamics of behavioral risk factors for HIV/AIDS: a 6-year prospective study of injection drug users
Celentano D, Muñoz A, Cohn S, Vlahov D. Dynamics of behavioral risk factors for HIV/AIDS: a 6-year prospective study of injection drug users. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2001, 61: 315-322. PMID: 11164696, DOI: 10.1016/s0376-8716(00)00154-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBehavioral risk factorsInjection drug usersProspective studyHIV transmissionRisk factorsDrug usersHIV behavioral risk factorsIncremental risk reductionHIV/AIDSRisk reductionHIV-seronegativesTime-dependent covariatesDrug injectorsHigh riskRisk behaviorsBehavioral risksBehavior changeRisky behaviorsRegression modelsLongitudinal predictorsRiskSeronegativesHIVAIDSAbstinence
Gender differences in the initiation of injection drug use among young adults
Doherty M, Garfein R, Monterroso E, Latkin C, Vlahov D. Gender differences in the initiation of injection drug use among young adults. Journal Of Urban Health 2000, 77: 396-414. PMID: 10976613, PMCID: PMC3456045, DOI: 10.1007/bf02386749.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusInjection drug useHIV risk profilesDrug useRisk behaviorsRisk profileLow HIV prevalenceInjection drug usersMale sex partnersCommunity-based recruitmentPercentage of womenMale IDUsHIV prevalenceImmunodeficiency virusRisky injectionMost womenGender differencesDrug usersSex partnersInjection initiationYoung womenPatterns of initiationNumber of personsYoung adultsWomenHIV testing and retesting for men and women in Switzerland
Zwahlen M, Neuenschwander B, Jeannin A, Dubois-Arber F, Vlahov D. HIV testing and retesting for men and women in Switzerland. European Journal Of Epidemiology 2000, 16: 123-133. PMID: 10845261, DOI: 10.1023/a:1007638823567.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among new initiates into injection drug use over the age of 40 years old
Carneiro M, Fuller C, Doherty M, Vlahov D. HIV prevalence and risk behaviors among new initiates into injection drug use over the age of 40 years old. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 1999, 54: 83-86. PMID: 10101620, DOI: 10.1016/s0376-8716(98)00142-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersInjection drug useRisk behaviorsDrug usersDrug useCross-sectional studyRates of HIVHigh-risk behaviorsAge of initiationHIV infectionHIV prevalenceFirst injectionWide age rangeAverage ageNew initiatesHygiene practicesAge rangeAgeRecruitment techniquesInjectionYearsHIVInitiationInfectionPrevalenceAccess to antiretroviral treatment among French HIV infected injection drug users: the influence of continued drug use. MANIF 2000 Study Group.
Carrieri M, Moatti J, Vlahov D, Obadia Y, Reynaud-Maurupt C, Chesney M. Access to antiretroviral treatment among French HIV infected injection drug users: the influence of continued drug use. MANIF 2000 Study Group. Journal Of Epidemiology & Community Health 1999, 53: 4. PMID: 10326045, PMCID: PMC1756774, DOI: 10.1136/jech.53.1.4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsActive injection drug usersInjection drug usersAntiretroviral treatmentFrench HIVDrug useDrug usersFormer injection drug usersDetailed clinical historyPast drug useEx-IDUsIDU patientsClinical stageClinical historyAIDS careHospital careAIDS specialistsCell countNew treatmentsRisk behaviorsHospital departmentsLogistic regressionHIVPatientsPhysiciansTreatment
Gender differences in injection-related behaviors among injection drug users in Baltimore, Maryland.
Latkin C, Mandell W, Knowlton A, Doherty M, Vlahov D, Suh T, Celentano D. Gender differences in injection-related behaviors among injection drug users in Baltimore, Maryland. AIDS Education And Prevention 1998, 10: 257-63. PMID: 9642423.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersDrug usersInjection-related behaviorsMultivariate analysis menHIV protective behaviorsHIV preventive interventionsGender differencesAnalysis menStop AIDSMother's residenceSex networksPreventive interventionsMultivariate analysisBivariate analysisRisk behaviorsBaseline dataWomenProtective behaviorsInterventionInjection behaviorDense personal networksDrug networksResidenceDifferencesSemipublic areasSatellite exchange in the Baltimore Needle Exchange Program.
Valente T, Foreman R, Junge B, Vlahov D. Satellite exchange in the Baltimore Needle Exchange Program. Public Health Reports 1998, 113 Suppl 1: 90-6. PMID: 9722814, PMCID: PMC1307731.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrevention messagesBaltimore Needle Exchange ProgramHIV prevention messagesNeedle exchange programsNeedle exchange program participantsDrug-using networksDrug injectorsNumber of syringesDrug usersDrug useRisk behaviorsLogistic regressionOne-way ANOVAIDUsPrevention materialsProgram effectivenessProgram participantsActivities of SSParticipantsPotential bridgeExchange programs
Design and Baseline Participant Characteristics of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemiology Research (HER) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in US Women
Smith D, Warren D, Vlahov D, Schuman P, Stein M, Greenberg B, Holmberg S, Group F. Design and Baseline Participant Characteristics of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemiology Research (HER) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in US Women. American Journal Of Epidemiology 1997, 146: 459-469. PMID: 9290506, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009299.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUS womenHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infectionPublic Health Service agenciesImmunodeficiency virus infectionProspective cohort studyInjection drug useHIV-infected womenBaseline participant characteristicsInpatient medical recordsHealth service agenciesSexual risk behaviorsUninfected womenHIV cohortCohort studyInfected womenHIV infectionPhysical examinationMedical recordsHIV epidemicLongitudinal cohortVirus infectionCare settingsHigh riskDrug useRisk behaviors
HIV testing behaviors in a population of inner-city women at high risk for HIV infection.
Solomon L, Moore J, Gleghorn A, Astemborski J, Vlahov D. HIV testing behaviors in a population of inner-city women at high risk for HIV infection. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1996, 13: 267-72. PMID: 8898672, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199611010-00009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV testHIV testingRisk behaviorsMultiple HIV testsPrior HIV testPrior HIV testingHIV testing historyInjection drug useHIV testing behaviorsHIV risk behaviorsInner-city womenHIV risk practicesMore sex partnersHigh-risk practicesHIV infectionHIV serostatusHIV StudyHigh riskRisk counselingSex partnersTesting historyDrug useSociodemographic characteristicsTesting behaviorWomenThe relationship between risk networks' patterns of crack cocaine and alcohol consumption and HIV-related sexual behaviors among adult injection drug users: a prospective study
Latkin C, Mandell W, Vlahov D. The relationship between risk networks' patterns of crack cocaine and alcohol consumption and HIV-related sexual behaviors among adult injection drug users: a prospective study. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 1996, 42: 175-181. PMID: 8912800, DOI: 10.1016/s0376-8716(96)01279-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAlcoholismBlack or African AmericanComorbidityCrack CocaineFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHeroin DependenceHIV InfectionsHumansMaleOpioid-Related DisordersPeer GroupProspective StudiesRisk FactorsSexual BehaviorSocial FacilitationSocial SupportSubstance Abuse, IntravenousConceptsInjection drug usersSexual risk behaviorsRisk behaviorsAlcohol consumptionDrug usersInner-city injection drug usersSex partnersAdult injection drug usersAlcohol useHIV preventive interventionsMultiple sex partnersSexual behaviorCrack cocaine useCasual sex partnersSelf-reported sexual behaviorSelf-reported drugProspective studyIndex participantsNontreatment sampleSocial contextProspective associationsPreventive interventionsCocaine useAfrican American malesInfluence of peers