Multiple Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Vending Machines, Needle Exchange Programs and Legal Pharmacy Sales in Marseille, France
Moatti J, Vlahov D, Feroni I, Perrin V, Obadia Y. Multiple Access to Sterile Syringes for Injection Drug Users: Vending Machines, Needle Exchange Programs and Legal Pharmacy Sales in Marseille, France. European Addiction Research 2001, 7: 40-45. PMID: 11316925, DOI: 10.1159/000050713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersNeedle exchange programsSterile syringesNEP usersNew syringesPharmacy salesCharacteristics of IDUsDrug usersPrevention of HIVDrug use characteristicsHIV prevention programsSelf-administered questionnaireMethadone programsHeroin injectorsUseful adjunctPrevention programsInfectious diseasesProgram utilizationHIVSyringesPharmacyExchange programsQuestionnaireBuprenorphineDisease
Pharmacists' Attitudes About Pharmacy Sale of Needles/Syringes and Needle Exchange Programs in a City Without Needle/Syringe Prescription Laws
Gleghorn A, Gee G, Vlahov D. Pharmacists' Attitudes About Pharmacy Sale of Needles/Syringes and Needle Exchange Programs in a City Without Needle/Syringe Prescription Laws. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s89-s93. PMID: 9663630, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeedle exchange programsMost pharmacistsNeedle exchangeInjection drug useNeedles/syringesPharmacy salesInjection drug usersHIV prevention programsDiabetic identificationHIV preventionMedian numberDrug usersDrug users' accessDrug useDrug paraphernaliaPrevention programsPharmacist practicePharmacistsPharmacists' attitudesSyringe salesExchange programsTelephone surveyPrescriptionPrescription lawsMonthsCommunity Support for Needle Exchange Programs and Pharmacy Sale of Syringes: A Household Survey in Baltimore, Maryland
Keyl P, Gruskin L, Casano K, Montag H, Junge B, Vlahov D. Community Support for Needle Exchange Programs and Pharmacy Sale of Syringes: A Household Survey in Baltimore, Maryland. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s82-s88. PMID: 9663629, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAttitude to HealthBaltimoreEducational StatusFamily CharacteristicsFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHealth SurveysHIV InfectionsHumansIncomeInterviews as TopicMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisNeedle-Exchange ProgramsPharmaciesRegression AnalysisSurveys and QuestionnairesSyringesConceptsNeedle exchange programsInjection drug useInjection drug usersDrug usersMultivariate logistic regressionContiguous census tractsHIV incidenceNeedle exchangeDrug useEligible respondentsLogistic regressionExchange programsPharmacy salesCensus populationRandom sampleCensus tractsHousehold interviewsCommunity supportCommunity attitudesBaltimoreHousehold surveyIncidenceRespondentsTractNeedleCost and Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes and Needles as an HIV Prevention Intervention in the United States
Holtgrave D, Pinkerton S, Jones T, Lurie P, Vlahov D. Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Increasing Access to Sterile Syringes and Needles as an HIV Prevention Intervention in the United States. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1998, 18: s133-s138. PMID: 9663636, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-199802001-00022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug usersHIV infectionHIV prevention interventionsSterile syringesPrevention interventionsIDUs' accessActive injection drug usersIllicit drug injectionPublic health decision makersSyringe exchange programsHealth decision makersHIV transmissionDrug injectionHIV preventionHypothetical cohortDrug usersMedical carePocket expenditureInfectionPharmacy salesProgram coverageLifetime costsHigh levelsSyringesUnited States